Attachment Repair Therapy

 Attachment repair therapy allows for healing
from insecure attachment learned early in life.

What Is

Our earliest relationships served as models for how we expect the world to work and how we anticipate others will behave. If we experienced an insecure attachment pattern, we are more likely to re-experience insecurity in our closest relationships, especially with romantic partners and with our own children.

By its very nature, early (developmental) trauma gives us a pervasive sense of insecurity and lack of safety, in our relationships and in the world.

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The Signs of

  • Experiences of anxiety, insecurity and distrust

  • Abandonment issues

  • A lack of a sense of safety

  • Feelings of loneliness and emptiness

  • Difficulty developing and maintaining significant relationships

  • Control issues

  • A lack of a sense of belonging

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Healing from Insecure Attachment

Cutting Edge Counseling Attachment Repair Therapy in Los Angeles

Yes, insecure attachment can be healed. This can be done by pairing with a loving, caring, consistent partner. This is also be done with a therapist, and it is absolutely necessary to choose a therapist who feels safe and containing to you.

When a secure bond is developed with someone who has a healthy attachment pattern, you develop more inner security because you are actively experiencing how a healthy relationship feels. By having a corrective emotional experience with someone who is engaging and steadfast, you develop a deeper sense of inner security and possibility.


Free Phone Consultation

If you’re seeking Trauma Therapy or PTSD Treatment, we invite you to call us for a free 15-minute phone consultation.

Call Stephanie at 310-339-5812 or Lee Ann at 310-980-8988.